Telegram forced to close in Spain

The British-Emirati company Telegram FZ-LLC faces a tough blow, the closure of its most popular application in Spain.
In the last five years, we have seen how Telegram and Whatsapp have maintained a fierce fight to be the first mobile messaging application in Spain, and throughout this period there has been alternation in the classification of the most downloaded in PlayStore

The sweet dream of Telegram has become a nightmare this Friday, March 22, and the judge of the National Court Santiago Pedraz ordered the temporary closure of the popular application after a lawsuit from Mediaset, Atresmedia and Movistar for using its content.
Today, Sunday, March 24, the application still works, which means that Telegram is operating illegally at this time by skipping the precautionary measure.

Telegram already has its first defenders

This situation is further complicated by the fact that the lawyer for "Pirates", Josep Jover, is going to denounce the blockage before the Court of Justice of the European Union with the aim of preventing it from going ahead.. Pirates of Catalonia is a Spanish political party, heir to the ideology of the Swedish Pirate Party that seeks the reform of intellectual and industrial property laws, including copyright and patents.
Josep won cases such as the internalization of interim officials to public administrations.

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